A granite monolithic sculptureIt was beautiful weather here in the Languedoc region of France last week and we took the opportunity to spend a couple of days down by the beach next to the large and very modern marina town of Gruissan.

I spent a wonderful evening wandering around the marina with the evening sunshine slanting across the water.  There was a stiff breeze coming in across the Pyrennees which was causing a bit of a swell in the marina.  This meant that the boats were moving around too much for soft slow evening shots.

As darkness swept over us and the street lights started coming on, I was taken by these large hunks of granite along the marina front which during the day just look like large hunks of granite.  At night, I enjoyed the way the light plays with the textures of the stone.  The spotlights change colour every few minutes and I waited for this cold blue which particularly suited the cold grey of the stone.

I am trying out Oloneo HDR software which, I think has given a really nice result.  I like the way that you can alter the hues of given colour regions and I raised the red in the shadows to give this slightly old fashioned sepia look.

Have you tried Oloneo … what do you think of the colour treatment?